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When applying for employment at Leahy O’Riordan, please include the following:

  1. Full Name and Date of Birth
  2. Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Email Address
  5. Mobile Number
  6. History of employment, starting with the most recent employment and working back to last full-time education.
  7. In respect of each employment, please identify two referees.
  8. Please identify all educational qualifications and dates achieved.
  9. In respect of educational achievements, identify any relevant specialities.
  10. In respect of previous employments, set out a brief description of the nature of the work you did.
  11. In respect of the employment you seek, identify clearly the kind of work you would like to do and how you would like to develop as a professional.
  12. Set out a short note regarding hobbies and interests.
  13. Include the salary range you expect to achieve at Leahy O’Riordan
  14. Set out your reasons clearly for leaving your existing employment.
  15. Set out your reasons clearly for applying to Leahy O’Riordan